Strategic planning at UniMAP began in 2002, when the University is still known as KUKUM. The first strategic planning workshop was held in Langkawi in August 2002, and was attended by all KUKUM citizens (who at that time only numbered about 100 people). At that time, one of the objectives of the workshop was for new university students to know each other.
Due to its very young age, there is no dedicated center of responsibility entrusted to coordinate the strategic planning function, and therefore it is placed under the Rector's Office and is managed by the Office of the Deputy Rector (Academic).
During the first workshop held, during the two-month-old KUKUM, the university's mission, vision, and 'motto' ('moto' later known as 'core value') was developed together. At that moment the identity and character of the new university was sown and bred. The direction of the university, which takes into account the foundation of its establishment by the Government, is examined and peeled at length. The foundation became the reference point of the University's travels to date.
The implementation of developed strategies faces many challenges, in line with the age of the young University, which takes a lot of time and resources to develop the physical and academic infrastructure that most of them are virtually absent. Monitoring of strategy implementation is also not an easy matter, as it relies heavily on the role played by many outsiders, and therefore beyond the control of the University.
Even so, KUKUM has laid a very strong foundation in its overall planning and methods to ensure that it is achievable. For example, discussions on the need for KPI (key performance indicators) and balanced scorecards were held as early as 2003. Despite having a very short history of management and experience of the University, around November 2003, an analysis of the strategic planning and management planning process has been made, and some improvements have been proposed. Among the proposed improvements include the updating of the KPIs used, the use of ICT as the communication channel for the planning and implementation of projects, frequency of monitoring, and monitoring approaches.
The approach used at that time was very easy. The focus is only on the three main affairs of the University, namely (1) Academic, Research, Industrial Relations & Internationalization, (2) Human Development (Staff & Students), and (3) Administration. Over time, these dealings have been broken down to make it easier to manage and monitor.
On 1 January 2006, after 4 years of being implemented half-time, the Corporate Development Unit (UniPEK) was established. Among the goals of UniPEK is the secretariat of management and monitoring of strategic planning in KUKUM. With UniPEK, more focused time and resources can be channeled so that the plans contained in the University's strategic planning can be achieved successfully.
By: Prof. Dr. Zuraidah Mohd Zain
UNIPEK, the Corporate Development Unit was established on 1 January 2008 headed by the appointed Director, En. Abdul Aziz Mahmuddin. With the establishment of UNIPEK, strategic planning previously under the responsibility of Prof. Dr. Zuraidah Mohd Zain has been taken over. The final document was the Strategic Planning of the Academic Group, Research, Industry & International Relations 2004-2006.
As a start. A Self-Service Workshop was held on 17 February 2006 until 19 February 2006 at the Mutiara Beach Hotel Batu Ferringhi, Penang, attended by University Principal Officers, Deans and deputies and Head of Department of 80 people. The objective of this workshop is to provide the strengths and weaknesses faced by UniMAP members from academic, administrative, financial, infrastructure, policy and student aspects. The follow-up of this workshop was the presentation session held at Hotel Putra Palace, Kangar, Perlis on 21 February 2006. Through the workshop, the result was 213 indicators to be considered in the next strategic planning.
With regard to the Public Administration Development Circular (PKPA) No. 2 Year 2005, the Guidelines for Establishing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Implementing Measurement at Government Agencies, UNIPEK feel obliged to form a Implementation Committee and KPI Task Force. 2 separate workshops were held from 6 to 8 October 2006 for Principal Officers, Deans and Deputy and Head of Department at Sheraton Langkawi Beach Resort, Langkawi Island while for Workshop Administrative Officers held on October 13-15 2006 at Cinta Sayang Golf & Country Resort, Sg. Farmers, Kedah. Both workshops were held with the same purpose of forming KPI-KPI University taking into account the 213 indicators resulting from the workshop on self-help. During the workshops at the Sheraton Langkawi Beach Resort, Langkawi Island, VISION and MISSION of the university were reworked.
On 21-23 November 2005, at Meritus Mandarin Hotel, Singapore. UNIPEK's Director attended a conference titled Conference on KPI Singapore. In the conference he was exposed to another strategic planning approach using the BSC method. As a result of BSC's understanding and approach, UNIPEK once again organized a BSC introduction course to Deans and deputies as well as Head of department. The course was held on 27 November 2006 at Senate Room, Taman Kechor attended by 40 participants. The course's objective is to provide introductory and initial disclosure to the attendees. The introductory workshop was delivered by PM Dr. Wahid Razaly.
Strategic Planning using the BSC approach began when the workshop held specifically for discussing strategic themes. The workshop was held at Hotel Equatorial Cameron Highland from 2 February 2007 until 4 February 2007 attended by KPI's Executing Committee and Monitoring Committee. Through the workshop, a BSC document by the Academic, Research and Administration groups has been created.
UNIPEK feels BSC is the best guideline in managing the University's strategic planning comprehensively. Taking into account such factors, the director took the initiative to study the BSC more deeply at the George Washington University College of Professional Studies from 4 to 15 February 2008 and then awarded a Professional BSC Practitioner certificate. More proudly, a book Strategic Plan 2008-2010 was launched on January 19, 2008 in conjunction with the Addressing of the Vice-Chancellor 2008. All information contained herein refers to the previously documented strategic planning besides taking into account the National Higher Education Strategic Plan information beyond 2010 and the IPTA Action Plan 2007-2010.
In-depth BSC knowledge was also shared through the Workshop on Achievement Measurement and Initiative Workshops held on 27-28 June 2008 for administrative groups, while on 7-9 August 2008 for all three Academic, Research and Administration groups at the Kechor Seminar Room 1, Taman Kechor. The number of participants involved was 84 people. In this workshop, strategic planning documents are further refined.
The pure efforts undertaken by UNIPEK in giving birth to BSC maladims have also been accomplished. With a 6-day BSC Workshop from 10-15 April 2008 at Teluk Dalam Resort, Pangkor Perak. All attendees are members of the UniMAP Strategic Plan Monitoring Committee of 42 participants. This effort has also assisted in providing valuable ideas in the construction of a strategic map held on October 30, 2008 at Seminar Room 1, Taman Kechor.
The extensive dissemination of information on the 2008-2010 Strategic Plan book among UniMAP staff was held in a Strategic Plan briefing session held on October 18, 2008. At the same time, the launch of a strategic map for the first time was held for UniMAP's gaze and actions. In addition, the effort to provide each A2-sized strategy map staff was implemented after its launch.
Closing the curtain in 2008, presentation of the Strategic Plan 2008-2010 and Strategic Plan was held on 15-16 December 2008 at Seminar Room 1, Taman Kechor.